One Thousand Days Transformed - The Campaign for Cedarville

Military Education Aid

Cedarville University welcomes military students, and we look forward to assisting you with financial aid. Student veterans, active duty servicemembers, National Guard and Reserve servicemembers, ROTC cadets, and military dependents are a valued/valuable part of our campus community.

Below are military education aid awards which we process for our military students to offset tuition costs.

The appearance of U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) visual information does not imply or constitute DoD endorsement. Cedarville University is not an official component of the Department of Defense or any Military Service.


VA Benefits

VA Benefits Promo Image

ROTC Scholarships

Ohio National Guard Scholarship

Ohio National Guard With Plane

Military Tuition Assistance

Ohio War Orphan Scholarship

VA Benefits

Military students may be eligible for one of several different types of VA benefits based upon the servicemember’s military service.  Students who are veterans, serving on active duty or are in the Guard or Reserves may have earned specific benefits based upon their military service.  Children or spouses of military members may be eligible to have benefits transferred or provided as well.

  1. Verify that you are eligible for VA education benefits.
  2. Apply for VA education benefits and obtain the Certificate of Eligibility (COE) from the VA.
  3. Submit the Certificate of Eligibility (COE) to the VA Certifying Official at the Cedarville Registrar’s Office (Phone: 937-766-7710, Fax: 937-766-7663, or email
  4. Request a Cedarville VA Enrollment Report at the beginning of the term from CU Registrar’s Office. This report is created by Cedarville and will be available just prior to the start of the term.
  5. Submit Cedarville’s VA Enrollment Report to the Cedarville VA Certifying Official at the beginning of each term once you have finalized your schedule.

Types of VA Education Related Benefits

See how you can utilize your VA benefits at Cedarville in conjunction with your Cedarville Institutional Scholarships.

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GI Bill® is a registered trademark of the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). More information about education benefits offered by VA is available at the official U.S. government Web site at

ROTC Scholarships

Cedarville University has students who participate in Air Force ROTC or Army ROTC.  Students who are eligible for ROTC scholarships may use those scholarship awards in combination with their institutional awards from Cedarville for direct university charges.  Students will complete the application process directly with ROTC.

Cedarville University is a military friendly school. We welcome ROTC cadets to pursue an undergraduate degree. Cedarville allows you to use your ROTC scholarship to meet your goals.

ROTC Education benefits may include the following:

Air Force ROTC

  • Up to 100 percent tuition and fee coverage
  • A monthly living (housing) stipend of $300-500 per month
  • Up to $900 a year for books and supplies


  • Up to 100 percent tuition and fee coverage
  • A monthly living (housing) stipend of $420 per month
  • Books and supplies allowance

There may be instances where a ROTC recipient will have other institutional scholarships or grants. Cedarville University seeks to use institutional funding wisely in order for other students to receive funding. Thus, in cases where a student’s total financial aid is above direct University charges, Cedarville will reduce other forms of institutional gift-based aid. The examples below show how institutional gift-based aid will be reduced in these instances:


Example #1:

Nicolas is awarded Cedarville University scholarships and grants that total $16,000. Nicolas lives on campus and is also receiving the Army ROTC scholarship award. His bill and financial aid are as follows:

Charges:Financial Aid
Tuition: $34,498CU Academic Scholarship: $14,000
Housing/Food: $8,400Cedarville Fund Award: $2,000
Student Fees: $200Army ROTC: $34,698
Total: $43,098Total: $50,498

In the above example, Nicolas has a CR balance of $7,400 that is derived from institutional funds. In this case, Cedarville University will reduce the amount of the CU Academic Scholarship and/or Cedarville Fund Award to allow for housing, food, and the student fee to be covered 100 percent (aid will be reduced from $16,000 to $8,400). ROTC cadets will also receive a book and living allowance paid directly to the student. If an outside scholarship is awarded to the student, Cedarville University will reduce additional amounts proportionally.

Example #2:

Emma is awarded Cedarville University scholarships and grants that total $13,500. Emma lives off campus and is also receiving the Army ROTC award. Her bill and financial aid are as follows:

Charges:Financial Aid
Tuition: $34,498CU Academic Scholarship: $14,000
Student Fees: $200Cedarville Fund Award: $2,000
-Army ROTC: $34,698
Total: $34,968Total: $50,498

In the above example, Emma has a CR balance of $16,000 that is derived from institutional funds. In this case, Cedarville University will reduce the amount of the CU Academic Scholarship and/or Cedarville Fund Award from $16,000 to $0. ROTC cadets will also receive a book and living allowance paid directly to the student. If an outside scholarship is awarded to the student, Cedarville University will reduce additional amounts proportionally.

Example #3:

Jacob is awarded Cedarville University scholarships and grants that total $13,500. Jacob also receives an outside scholarship of $1,000. Jacob lives on campus and is also receiving the Air Force ROTC scholarship award. His bill and financial aid are as follows:

Charges:Financial Aid
Tuition: $34,498Dean's Excellence Scholarship: $14,000
Housing/Food: $8,400Cedarville Fund Award: $2,000
Student Fees: $200Outside Scholarship: $1,000
-Air Force ROTC Scholarship: $18,000
Total: $43,098Total: $35,000

In the above example, Jacob has a balance of $8,098 left to pay Cedarville University. ROTC cadets will also receive a book and living allowance paid directly to the student.

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Ohio National Guard

The Ohio National Guard Scholarship Program (ONGSP) is a tuition only program for all members of the Ohio Army and Air National Guard that have enlisted for a minimum of three years and up to six years who are in good standing with their unit.  The ONGSP will pay 100% tuition at all state funded public colleges and will pay 100% of the State average tuition of the public schools at private colleges that participate in the ONGSP.  If a Soldier or Airman enlists for 3-5 years they will receive 48 semester hours towards their degree and if they enlist for a full 6 year enlistment they will receive 96 semester hours towards their degree. Contact the Ohio National Guard or Ohio Air Guard for additional details about requirements, obligations and benefits.

Ohio National Guard

1-800-GO-GUARD Home Page Ohio Guard Information Instagram Facebook How to Join

Ohio Air National Guard

1-800-TO-GO-ANGWebsiteLocationsFacebook How to Join

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Military Tuition Assistance

Military members who are serving on active duty, in the National Guard, or in the Reserves may be eligible for military tuition assistance. Military Tuition Assistance is a form of financial aid which may be used to assist with the cost of your coursework.

Please review your eligibility for this benefit with your military unit or installation. Approval for tuition assistance benefits should be obtained prior to enrolling for classes for the term from the appropriate education service officer, military counselor, and/or military unit.

To apply for tuition assistance:

  1. Complete appropriate application per military branch/education office instructions. See links below or contact your military education office to get started.
  2. When your TA is approved, please communicate with Cedarville’s Cashiers Office (email to complete the process.
  3. If you are eligible for Tuition Assistance Top-UP please contact the VA Certifying Official at Cedarville at the Registrar’s Office (

The following military Reserve components also offer education tuition assistance programs:

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Ohio War Orphan and Severely Disabled Veterans’ Children Scholarship

The State of Ohio has a scholarship for children of veterans who are Ohio residents, and the parent either lost their life while serving on active duty or has been given a combined VA disability rating of 60% or higher.  Students must be enrolled in fulltime undergraduate studies at an eligible Ohio college or University to be eligible for the award and meet other criteria as well. The application deadline is May 15th of each year. Students and families are required to submit the application and military documents once. Applicants must apply between the ages of 16 and 24. Review the full details on Ohio Department of Higher Education’s website regarding the Ohio War Orphan and Severely Disabled Veterans’ Children Scholarship.

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Military Students and Families

Cedarville University is a military friendly school. Whether you’re a veteran, Reservist, Guard member, active duty servicemember, ROTC cadet or a dependent of a military servicemember, we think you’ll find a home at Cedarville.

Learn more about military life at Cedarville »

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